Thursday, April 16, 2009

5 Weeks to Go!!

I don't really have much to report right now, but I was informed by my lovely cousin Laura that I have a uter-us and not a uter-you, so I promise to share lots and keep this thing updated more often now that we're coming into the home stretch! And of course, I'll be putting all sorts of pictures up on this thing after she's here too!

I'm going in tomorrow to see my endocrinologist for my gestational diabetes. No big deal. My dietician actually asked me if I was eating enough since my blood sugars have actually been on the low side. But since baby is growing well and Dr. Beer isn't worried, all is good. A week from tomorrow, I go in for my 36 week appointment...she'll check me then to see if I'm dilated or effaced at all. So the next update will be next week! Til then, here's another 34-1/2 week preggo pic...


Ginnie said...

You look adorable and I can't wait to get more updates!!!

Unknown said...

You look beautiful! If it makes you feel any better, I was standing in line at a store and a little girl (3 or 4 yrs old) asked me if I have a baby in my belly and I said there's 2. Then she said "looks like 3 to me"!