Friday, April 24, 2009

36-Week Appointment

I had my 36-weeker today. Not much to report! Dr. Beer says the baby is low, but not quite low enough...she couldn't feel my cervix to tell if it's dilated at all. She did say I am starting to thin out though. I think that's what they tell all 36-week pregger ladies just to give them a glimmer of hope! I'm totally fine with things progressing slowly right now though. I am a bit uncomfy (who isn't at this point)...getting out of bed is quite the struggle! :) But we want to keep this little chickadee in there until preferrably after May 15th! Tom's way to busy with work for the next 2 weeks...he wouldn't be able to stay at home with us if she comes early. I really have a feeling that I'll go over my 40 weeks anyway, but hey, my intuitions haven't really been "on" during this pregnancy! So here's my 36-week preggo pic.

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