Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another Letter Revealed... :)

We got her little name letters hung up today...the nursery is officially finished, and all the bags are packed. We're ready to go! You can never be too prepared, right? So here's another letter for ya. She's no longer just "Baby with a Y"!

Friday, April 24, 2009

She's Got the Hiccups!

Here's a little video I took at work last week. She's got the hiccups! She gets them quite a bit. I've tried to get more drastic movements on camera, but she just stops as soon as I hit record, so this is the best I can do for now! She did give a good little kick right in the middle of the video. Hopefully this works!

36-Week Appointment

I had my 36-weeker today. Not much to report! Dr. Beer says the baby is low, but not quite low enough...she couldn't feel my cervix to tell if it's dilated at all. She did say I am starting to thin out though. I think that's what they tell all 36-week pregger ladies just to give them a glimmer of hope! I'm totally fine with things progressing slowly right now though. I am a bit uncomfy (who isn't at this point)...getting out of bed is quite the struggle! :) But we want to keep this little chickadee in there until preferrably after May 15th! Tom's way to busy with work for the next 2 weeks...he wouldn't be able to stay at home with us if she comes early. I really have a feeling that I'll go over my 40 weeks anyway, but hey, my intuitions haven't really been "on" during this pregnancy! So here's my 36-week preggo pic.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

5 Weeks to Go!!

I don't really have much to report right now, but I was informed by my lovely cousin Laura that I have a uter-us and not a uter-you, so I promise to share lots and keep this thing updated more often now that we're coming into the home stretch! And of course, I'll be putting all sorts of pictures up on this thing after she's here too!

I'm going in tomorrow to see my endocrinologist for my gestational diabetes. No big deal. My dietician actually asked me if I was eating enough since my blood sugars have actually been on the low side. But since baby is growing well and Dr. Beer isn't worried, all is good. A week from tomorrow, I go in for my 36 week appointment...she'll check me then to see if I'm dilated or effaced at all. So the next update will be next week! Til then, here's another 34-1/2 week preggo pic...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Shower Time!

Pam, Val, and Glenda threw Ashlee and me a fantastic shower this last weekend! It was so cute and fun...a little blue table for Ashlee and Cameron, and a little pink table for Haley and "Baby With a Y". No, it's not Yemin. :) We got a ton of really cute stuff. Holy clothes! This child already has more clothes than me! It was so fun to have Baby Cameron there...he is too cute for words! Although we missed out on the expoding diaper episode while we were opening presents...yes, poop everywhere...even in his tiny, cute little neck folds! That adorable little Winnie the Pooh sweater vest didn't last long into the shower! Ahhh babies are so cute! I guess our time is coming, huh?!

I had another appointment on Friday too. She has caught up growth wise! She's measuring right at 34 weeks now...4 weeks ago she was measuring 2.5 weeks behind. She had a bit of a growth spurt! And mama felt it! I feel like I got enourmous in the last 2 weeks! People no longer say "Oh, you look so small for being so far along!"'s now "Oh, you still have that far to go till you have her?! I'm so sorry!" :) We're doing good though. I complain a lot to Tom about all my aches and pains, but in all reality, I love it! I just can't believe it's almost over! We are getting so excited and anxious to see her little face! No nerves yet! We just want to meet her!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

All the Nursery Needs Now is a Baby!!

We're just about done with the nursery! All that is left to do is hang some stuff on the walls! Tom finished it off last week when he built the little shelves in her room...he's so handy! I think the shelves are adorable! They are kind of bare now, but I'm sure that will change very soon! I bought some letter blocks and painted them all funky and fun. Those will spell her name and go above the dresser on that big blank wall. I had to take a picture of one...yes Jenny, there is a Y in her name! :) We don't really have a theme...just a bunch of stuff I think is really cute! If there is one, it's dragonflys, butterflies, and flowers-mostly purple, but I have pink, green, and blue in there too. So here are some pictures....

We Have a Nephew!!

Ty and Ashlee are the adorable new parents to precious little Cameron Jack Clements! He's just the cutest thing ever! He was born March 21st...poor Ashlee was a week overdue, and he still didn't want to come out, the little stinker! I can't wait to see more pictures of the new little fam! I'm so sad we live so far away! We're so happy he's finally here, and we can't wait for him to meet his little cousin next month! :)

At 12 hours old!!

With Uncle Drew...

My 32-1/2 Week Preggo Pic

We're back to the happy posts! No more bad news! Little babe, Mama, and Daddy are doing great, just getting anxious! No more crazy contractions, and the diabetes thing, although a pain in the butt, is going fine-no issues there. I'm staying away from medication so that's a good thing!

This is my 32 week picture. I'm 33 weeks today...only 7 to go! Maybe... I'm starting to get the little painful jabs in the ribs every now and then-it's more of a sharp, tickly, funny feeling. She's apparently about the size of a pineapple right now-17 inches long and 4.5 pounds (according to various websites)!
I still can't believe there's a baby in there!! :) Lol~