Thursday, September 18, 2008

My HCG Levels...

I had my blood drawn for my quantitative hcg level when I was 4 weeks and 1 day (Friday). My level was 214, which is great for so early in the pregnancy! Then the doctor wanted to draw it again 2 days later to make sure the number was rising adequately. It needed to increase by 66%. I peed on another stick :) on the day in between to see if the line got darker to try to settle my fears, and of course it did! My level on Sunday was 530! So it was perfect! I did some research, and those numbers are acutally kind of high. You know what high hcg level means?? Twins!! Nah, I'm not having twins, but I'd thought I'd scare Tom a little! :o) There was one study done that showed that many women with higher hcg levels end up having girls, and if the levels are lower, they have boys. That's just one study, so I don't know how much I believe it! I guess we'll find out in about 15 weeks or so! Oh, yes, we are going to find out the sex of the little bean!

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