Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Holy Crap I'm Pregnant!!!

Ahhhhh!!! After 14 months, I could hardly believe my eyes! I got my big fat positive!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 at about 5:00 in the afternoon (after I woke up from my daytime slumber), I decided it was time to take a test. Well, actually I couldn't wait any longer! I knew at this point it would be really really early in the pregnancy, but it should at least show something. I had gotten so used to seeing negative tests that I refused to look at it until I counted out 2 minutes.
So there I am, sitting on the toilet, actually mouthing the numbers, not wanting to look because I had this feeling that it was going to be negative. When I finally looked, I just said "No Way!" And I just started laughing! I started kissing the dogs because Tom was on his way home from Cedar Rapids. I called to see where he was-he told me he was an hour away. It was a perfect amount of time for me to rush out to buy something to I could tell him in a fun way. I had a perfect excuse so he wouldn't think something was up. His birthday was 3 days away, so of course I just told him it was an early birthday present! Luckily they had just what I needed at the Copper Cupboard-this little "me and my dad" picture frame. So I grabbed my scrapbooking supplies and finally used these baby stickers I've had since 8th grade! I got it all wrapped up just in time-he walked in the door about 10 minutes later. So I wasn't tortured for too long! I told him I wanted to give him his b-day present early, so we sat down on the couch and he opened it up. It seemed like it took him forever to get it (of course it didn't-it just felt like it to me)! He snapped his head up really fast and said "Huh uh! Seriously!" And he tackled me! Gently of course! It was more of a jumping onto the preggo wife and her falling backwards...We were all smiles the rest of the night. We went out for dinner to celebrate! And that was my first day of my pregnancy!


Linda Walsh said...

Tom and Haley,
Congratulations! We are sooo excited for the both of you. I enjoyed reading your stories and can't wait to read more as you go through your pregnancy journey!! Take care, we love you both!!
Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry

PS (Could this have happened in our camper??????) LOL

Haley said...

LOL Linda! Too funny! And too many people stayed in that camper for any hanky panky to be going on! :) Our little bugger came a few weeks after that fun little trip!