Thursday May 7th, 2009 6:30 a.m.-my water broke! Thank god it waited until 6:30 because I am there all alone at night...although I'm sure my lovely 2nd floor nurses would have taken care of me...anyhoo, it worked out perfectly cuz I had plenty of relief there already, and Tom was just on his way to work! I was doing some paperwork at the nurses station, and when I got up, I felt a little gush. My first though was, Oh god, I hope I didn't just pee my pants! Not that that has ever been a problem! :) But I had heard that a lot of ladies think their waters break and they really just wee themselves! So I yelled from the bathroom into the locker room that I thought my water broke and immediately got a bunch of squeals and my sweet girls at work got me the essentials...pads, chucks (waterproof pads for the car!), and a cell phone to call my Tom Tom!
I called Tom and told him I was pretty sure my water just broke. He really thought I was just joking, he said "Are you serious?" If I had been thinking straight, I would have said, "Honey, Thundercats are a go!!!" Any Juno fans will appreciate that one! Great movie-if you haven't seen it-I strongly recommend it!
So my contractions started about an hour after my water broke-right when we got on the road to Ames...reeeeally glad we didn't wait any longer than that! We got to the hospital at about 8:15. The nurse checked me at 9:30 and I was 1 cm and 60% effaced. She told Tom he would probably have time to drive to Minneapolis and back before I had the wee one! Hmm, little did she know...
At 10:00 a.m. the contractions started to get pretty darn strong...but I didn't know how strong they were supposed to be. I know they are supposed to hurt like hell, but I thought I was just being wussy considering I was only at 1 cm a half hour before! But they were tolerable then. I talked to Katie (Tom's sister) on the phone at about then it was hard to talk through the contractions. Shortly after that, the nurse came in and told me Dr. Beer would come check me over her lunch hour. I remember thinking how much I wanted an epidural at that point...just 15 more minutes til the doc would be there...
So Dr. Beer shows up at about 12:10. I think the contraction before she checked me, I said to Tom, "Oh god, she's really close!" That got Tom a little nervous, he asked, "What do you mean close?", but I was in too much pain to explain! So she checked me and she said, "Oh, hmm, she's 8 cm!" My response was "Oh shit!"-I thought I'd be able to control my sailor's mouth in the delivery room...not so much. I knew at that point I wasn't going to get my epidural, or any other pain medicine for that matter-I didn't even have an IV in! The next few minutes were pretty chaotic, people running around everywhere trying to get things ready for a delivery...apparently my bed was broken so they couldn't break it down into the "labor" position. I didn't even realize it until Tom told me about it later. I do remember thinking it was kind of odd that Dr. Beer sat on the side of the bed to deliver her!
She didn't have to sit there for long though, because at 12:41 p.m., after pushing for 3 contractions (I'm guessing about 5 minutes! woo hoo!), little Kenley Sophia made her grand entrance! She was ready to come out, that's for sure!! 6 lbs 4 oz; 19.5 inches long. No one could believe how fast everything went. Dr. Beer was pleasantly suprised and appreciated the fact that she still had time to grab a bite and get back to the clinic! Lol! She thought she was just going to come over to order an epidural!
It was an amazing experience! Yeah it hurt, but I'd do it all again! And now I know that I have a really really high pain tolerance!! The most amazing part though was holding that precious little bundle of joy and seeing Daddy hold her for the first time too! She's just perfect in every sense of the word!!!
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