Thursday, March 5, 2009

We're Back!! And Bigger Than Ever!!

So I have seriously been neglecting my blog, I sincerely apologize! Haley, procrastinating...what!? :) So we've changed a bit since my last picture...I've actually taken 3 since that one and just haven't put them up. So here we are in all our glory!

23 weeks....(end of January):

27 weeks:

29 weeks...(today):

She is jumping, kicking, slashing, and god knows what else in there! It's quite entertaining to watch, and I'm sure the show will get better as the weeks go by! Hopefully I'll still be enjoying it, but something tells me it's not so pleasant at the end...that "something" being about every woman I've talked to who has been preggers! But I'm enjoying it while I still amazes me. Tom gets his fair share of whollops, he's pretty entertained too. I'm waiting for the day that Murphy (our puppy) gets kicked in the head...ahh that will be funny! We actually went out and bought a baby doll to bring home to train Murphy with. It's a work in progress... :) I think she is going to grow quite use to a cold, wet nose wiping across the top of her head!

The nursery is still a work in progress. Tom painted it a few weekends ago...just neutral. We have a dresser and plan on getting the crib and rocker next weekend. I've started to organize the baby's room. My next open weekend will be our first baby laundry day! Tom is very anxious to get all of this done right now, at this instant, because of our little scare this past weekend. Can't say I blame him! We're giving poor Daddy grey hairs already... Later blog to come on that one. I'll update it after this weekend to see how everything goes! But Baby Girl and Mama are just fine and plan on staying just fine!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Wow! Amazing! Can't wait to paint your tummy like an Easter egg! Woo hoo!

Ginnie said...

You look awesome!!! I can't wait to hear that story though.

Anonymous said...

As long as I have my list of emergency

Lima Bean.... :-D