Thursday, March 19, 2009
Yay, I'm One of the Lucky 5 in 100 Women...
I had my first visit with my dietician yesterday morning. I didn't know exactly what to expect. They want to get everything under control quick, so we hit the ground running. I now have my own little glucometer...I kinda wish it was one of those cute little stylish colorful things, like a mini ipod...a mini ipod with teeth that sucks your blood and makes you agonize over every single little carb... ah well. Tis life. And hopefully we'll only have to deal with it for 9 more weeks! Every time I've tested so far, I'm not even close to being over the limit, so we're going great. Although I am spilling ketones, so I have to call my lovely dietician again later today to see what I need to do about that. Ironically, it means I'm not getting enough calories (I think). Hmm. So I'm eating a really healthy balanced diet, how am I not getting enough?! I really have a new admiration for people who have to live with this everyday. Granted I've only lived with it for about 18 hours, but geez. It's kinda stressful! As of right now, I'm confident I won't have to end up taking insulin. I think I'll be able to control it with diet just fine.
The only concern I have is for little punkin. I just hope she stays healthy. Babies with diabetic mothers tend to be bigger babies...don't you get any funny ideas little girl! We are actually measuring a bit small. At my 30 week checkup, I was only measuring at 28 weeks...not a bad thing...we're still growing at the right pace. I gain about a centimeter each time I go in, which is right on track.
So that's our latest adventure. I know, it's pretty thrilling stuff... :) I'm not sure what the next weeks will bring. Lots of visits with the dietician. I get to go see an endocrinologist. And my next regular visit is the 27th. I'm a bit curious to know if they are going to do another ultrasound...I'll keep you posted!
Oh, and I'm hoping to share my birthday with a new little member of the family today!!!!!! C'mon little Cameron/Ella!!!!! Ty and Ashlee's precious little babe will be here in the next day or two!!! We're super excited to be an uncle and an aunt!!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So much for an uneventful pregnancy!
So last weekend was the start of it. I started having contractions on Saturday night. At first I just thought, ahh, they're just Braxton Hicks, no big deal. But I thought I was having them about every 10 mintues or so. So I called my trusty BFF/OB nurse/future midwife Valorie :) and she told me I needed to make sure I didn't have a urinary tract infection (by this time I'd been having them for 2-3 hours). So I came into work and peed in the little infection, so the NP told me I should be hooked up to the monitor just in case. Well, I was definitely contracting, and they were coming every 2 mintues! They ended up having to give me 2 shots of terbutaline and dumped a bunch of fluid into my veins. They slowed down, and I went home. The next morning, the contractions started again, only this time they were painful, so I went back in, got another shot of terbutaline and some more fluids. I went home again, and they stayed away for the most part that day. Then the next morning, I started having them pretty regularly, but only about 4-6 an hour. They told me not to go in unless the intensity changed. Well, change they did. I started having them every 3 minutes apart again and they were painful. Well, by now, this was an old story, so I went up to OB, got my shot, and they started me on oral medication to keep them away. So what caused all this craziness and way too much anxiety for Daddy? A stupid yeast infection! I know, maybe TMI, but jeez. Seriously, a yeast infection? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that's all it was! But that's an awful lot to go through for that! I was on bedrest for a few days, but I went back to work last weekend and had no more contractions! Woo Hoo! So that little kiddo is going to get plenty more cookin' time!
I also had my wonderful gestational diabetes screen last week. And mama failed. Grrr. Not bad though. I counldn't be closer to "borderline". I missed the marks by about 2-3 points. Double grrr. And it's extra sucky, because I've been really good about what I eat and really haven't gained that much weight. Ahh well. So I have to meet with a nutritionist soon. Grand, just grand...
The tankles/cankles (insert your favorite fat ankle joke here) have started to appear. Fabulous. I still have some definition, and you can still see my ankle bones...let's hope it stays that way!
And the back pain. Oh my lord. I've been battling it since about 20 weeks, and it's been tolerable for the most part. But man, these past 2 weeks have been rough! My waddle is ridiculous! And whenever I get up from sitting down, I look like a 90-year-old trying to walk.
So this is my complaint post! I have purged myself of negativity now! But honestly, as bad as I may make all of this sound, I wouldn't give any of it up! Every little kick (well, they're huge kicks now!) makes it so worth it! In 10 more weeks we'll have our little baby in our arms! Wow!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
We're Back!! And Bigger Than Ever!!
29 weeks...(today):
She is jumping, kicking, slashing, and god knows what else in there! It's quite entertaining to watch, and I'm sure the show will get better as the weeks go by! Hopefully I'll still be enjoying it, but something tells me it's not so pleasant at the end...that "something" being about every woman I've talked to who has been preggers! But I'm enjoying it while I still amazes me. Tom gets his fair share of whollops, he's pretty entertained too. I'm waiting for the day that Murphy (our puppy) gets kicked in the head...ahh that will be funny! We actually went out and bought a baby doll to bring home to train Murphy with. It's a work in progress... :) I think she is going to grow quite use to a cold, wet nose wiping across the top of her head!
The nursery is still a work in progress. Tom painted it a few weekends ago...just neutral. We have a dresser and plan on getting the crib and rocker next weekend. I've started to organize the baby's room. My next open weekend will be our first baby laundry day! Tom is very anxious to get all of this done right now, at this instant, because of our little scare this past weekend. Can't say I blame him! We're giving poor Daddy grey hairs already... Later blog to come on that one. I'll update it after this weekend to see how everything goes! But Baby Girl and Mama are just fine and plan on staying just fine!