Friday, October 24, 2008

Just truckin' along...

I don't have much to report, it's been a very uneventful week and a half! Thank god! I've had the same worries that every pregnant lady has at some point early on in pregnancy. Most of my symptoms started going away late last week, so of course, I started worrying that something was wrong. I had no other reason to think something was wrong other than the fact that hormones play dirty dirty tricks on pregnancy brain. So Monday night when I got to work, I took out our little doppler (it's kinda like the ultrasound without a screen-just a speaker) to see if I could hear the little heart beating. They say it can take up to 12 weeks to be heard by doppler, but it can be heard in some as early as 8 weeks. I was 9 1/2, so I thought I'd give it a shot. And it worked! Little Cletus the T-Rex angel-bean was whooshing away! Ahh the conviences of working in a hospital. I can hear our little punkin's heartbeat whenever I want!

Today is the 10 week mark! Only 30 more weeks to go! Like I said, most of my symptoms are gone. I'm still pretty tired, and I'm peeing all the time :) and that's pretty much it. Tom hasn't even had to suffer from the hormonal rage yet! I have read that that fun time may still be to come! Poor guy!

Oh, I have had some pretty bad heartburn already, so I'm gunna put in an early bet that little beanie is gunna have lots of hair! :o) My next appointment is November 6th, but it's just with a prenatal nurse. I'll see my new OB doc on the 21st. That's it for now!


Ginnie said...

Buy stock in Tums now. Both of the girls had TONS of hair and I popped those like they were candy. I would go through the giant bottle in 2-3 days. And, no, I'm not kidding! Has he started putting on the sympathetic pregnancy weight? Because that's what helped keep the hormonal rages away from Andy; he truely felt my pain!!

Anonymous said...

You need to update your blog because you've been tagged!! Check out my blog to see what to do!

Pat R (aka 2nd Mom) said...

Everything will alright, we have our special angel to watch over us. So Don't Worry, Be Happy

Lots of Love Always

Gigi said...

I guess heartburn is better than barfing, right? And like you said, only 30 more weeks to go! Hang in there - the fun stages will start soon!