Saturday, August 1, 2009


The first video is of Kenley and Macy, her cousin. Kenley is very hungry and thinks Macy's arm tastes purtty yummy! She's about 6 weeks old in that one. In the second, she's about 11 weeks old and chatting with mama.


Here are just some miscellaneous pictures that I love. Everyone is doing great. Kenley is now officially sleeping through the night, usually 8 to 10 hours...Tom is going to love that! I go back to work Monday night :( not looking forward leaving my lil punkin, but she's going to a great babysitter, so that makes it a bit easier! She will officially be one of Steph's Barnyard Babies come Tuesday morning!

She's really sad that Mommy won't take her out in the sunshine too much this summer, but she was all smiles when she got to model her swimsuit that Gramma Jenny bought her! I'm really glad she didn't get my transparent complexion...the kid is already darker than I am and she hasn't even been in the sun (long enough to tan anyway!)! She's gunna be one of those little mexican looking white girls! Pat! She did get somethin' from you! :) I'm thinking she looks quite Zoolander-ish in the last pic...look at that aloof model face! Strike a pose! Lol!