She is now sitting up all by herself! She's got great balance...but we keep pillows behind her still, just in case! We've moved past cereal and are on to veggies and applesauce. She's a great little eater! She's still not very mobile, still hates her tummy. I guess she is just content chilling out on her back and rolling from side to side! She somes pretty close to rolling onto her tummy, just can't quite kick all the way over. She got a little door jumper from Aunt Laura and Uncle Andy that she loves! It's so cute to watch her jump and play...she entertains herself for quite a while in that thing. She babbles away, and likes to spit/make rasberries! And she does a weird little shriek by breathing's in 1 of the videos. What a goof!
October was a bit of a challenging month. A bit of sickness went through the house. We were told we had H1N1, but I'm not really one ever had a fever, so who knows. It was definitely viral, and Kenley and I both had it for about 3 weeks. Uck. It finally turned into something bacterial so we could at least take antibiotics to help get rid of it. So we got our happy baby back for a few days, then we started having some troubles with formula. Complete bottles that she would chow down eventually ended up all over daddy! And once on Steph...poor Steph! Bless her heart for dealing with fussy, gassy girlie for the past week! So we've changed formula for the 3rd time, and hopefully this will be the magic charm!
Halloween was fun...we headed to Emerson and South Sioux for the weekend to visit the family. Thankfully they got to see happy Kenley! She was a little lion...she wasn't cracked up on the whole costume thing, but she handled it pretty well! We went to Omaha earlier in the month to see Macy and Cameron....and Laura, Andy, Ty, and Ashlee :). We put them all in their costumes then...the girls were not to excited about that, but it was cute anyway!! Macy was a little chicken, and Cameron was a monkey....too cute!
Here's one more little tidbit that I'm quite impressed by. Since Kenly was probably a month old, I've been doing the sign language sign for milk before I give her a bottle. In the last couple of weeks, if she gets a little fussy, I'll do the sign and she opens her mouth and reaches for my hand like she reaches for her bottle! And sure enough...she's hungry! I just think that's pretty neat...I'm a proud mommy!
So here are some pictures and videos from the past month...