Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Little Baby Girl's Ultrasound Pics

The first one is her little girl parts! If you look really close, you can see 3 little white lines (the arrow points right between the first two lines). So yes, it's a hamburger-not a hot dog-or saugsage or whatever! :) In the second one, I think she's trying to tell us that she's going to be a little gymnast. She's got some long legs, that's for sure! The third one shows her little face straight on with her mouth wide open. I can already hear it. "Mooooommm!" or "I need money!" The other three are just some hand and foot pictures that I love. What is it about baby hands and feet? So darn cute! So that's all of our little baby girl we'll get to see for the next few weeks until she starts poking out from the inside-I'm looking forward to that crazy alien stage when we can see appendages roll across my belly!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's a.............

GIRL!!!!! :-D Mama's first intuition was wrong! I had such a strong hunch that this little bean was a boy, I would have put money on it, but boy (or girl...) was I wrong! Tom said that he was prepared for a girl but I had started to convince him that it was a boy too. We definitely weren't let down by any was just that much more of a surprise! The most important thing, of course, is that she is healthy as can be! She (it's so nice to be able to say she!) is measuring right on track. She has a very strong heart, no tube defects, no cleft palate, has 10 fingers and 10 toes...and she likes to bury her foot right in mama's bladder! She is long as a stick of butter and weighs as much as 3 sticks of butter (3/4 lbs). The ultrasound tech gave us about 20 pictures, so I'll get some up when I have some more time. So now we need to start thinking more seriously about names. We have a few in mind, but we're keeping that a surprise until she gets here! She measured exactly to my original due date, so we're still looking at May 21st. And the lucky little girlie gets a little girl cousin in May too! Andy and Laura (bro and SIL) are having a little baby girl too! Awww, two wittle baby gwanddaugters! We can't wait til March to find out what Ty and Ashlee are having! Are we going to go 3 for 3???

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Belly Has Popped Out!

Here are my latest belly pics. I had Tom take them yesterday-I was 17 weeks and 1 day (about 4 months). Time is flying now! It seemed like the first 4 weeks dragged on forever, and now little punkin is almost halfway cooked! :) I finally had to retire one pair of jeans, I'm still fitting into most of my other pants, but I think I'm going to have to break down and buy some maternity pants soon. I did treat myself and bought a few shirts a week ago-and I'm glad I did, because this belly came out of nowhere in just a few days! Most of my nicer shirts are fitted, so I would have looked a little uncomfy/skanky if I would have tried to wear one of those to Tom's Christmas party for work last night! I still don't fill them out much, so instead I just looked like I had on a baggy shirt. Oh well, we'll grow into them soon enough! My "weekly check-ups" with our little doppler are going great! Little punkin's heart beat is anywhere from the 120's to the 150's. I notice it's higher after I've had lots of sugar! That's all the news for now, Merry Christmas!!